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©1997-2001, Joe
Martin, All Rights Reserved
Site designed by Online
Design Computer Services
Application Support Specialists, Inc.
Email: Webmaster
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Neatly Chiseled Features
- Dailies |
We recommend Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6.0 for use on this site. |
Type: |
- The graphics files are stored in PC Tif format.
- There are two folders for each feature category -
One for PANELS (designated with a "p" in the file name), and
One for STRIPS.
For example, a folder for
Willy 'n Ethel" would have a main folder "willy2001", and under that would be
folders labeled "strips" and "panels".
Make the selection based upon your application.
Files: |
- Click on "Download Willy 'n Ethel
Dailies" at the top of this page.
- On the page that appears, click on
"willy2001". Then choose between the folders named
"panels" and "strips", depending upon your
- Click (or right click) on the file to download it to your computer.
- Add a bookmark in your browser while you are on
this page.
This will allow you go directly to the download area. You can also re-name the bookmark with the Feature's name. This will allow you go directly to the download area.
Help: |
If you are experiencing technical difficulties using this site, email: |